Sunday, October 19, 2008

Horrible Party pics and a Top 10 Single!

Friday night's party was so much fun! They premiered the video for "Break Me" (which should be officially released in a couple weeks) on this huge screen, and they played the "Break Me" remix all night! (I mean, they played other songs too...that would be kind of weird if they played "Break Me" over and over 300 times in a row. I wouldn't complain or anything though...and I guess if everyone got hammered enough they wouldn't really care either, huh?) Ok, so as you can tell, I think I'm still mentally recovering from the excitement of Friday. Thank you all for coming, and for asking for the autographs, and for all the compliments, and for all the hugs, and for making me feel really and truly wonderful.

By the way, for those of you following my climb up the Billboard Dance Charts, "Break Me" is up to #7 this's officially a Top 10 single!!

So now, as for the lack of party pics, I blame that totally on my cousins. They always all bring cameras every time we go out and I usually spend my night hiding from them in order to avoid being in a pic, which really annoys them. (I just hardly ever end up liking pics of me so I try not to be in them too much.) Anyway, this is the one time that I actually wanted them to take tons of pics so I could share the night with those of you that were not able to attend, and NONE of them brought their cameras! So I apologize for the lack of pics. (I was able to get the pics on this blog from my friend Ryan who took pics of the video being premiered.)

The only pic of me that was taken that night that I am aware of is this one. That's me and my cousin, Sanjay. Yes, I know-stunning. The best pic you've ever seen of me, right? Well, hey, I told you all I was gonna get a bit "silly" on Friday night, and here's the evidence...


Ria said...

Thank you for signing an autograph Tina! I can't belive I met you!! You looked so pretty and you are sweeter than I could imagine. I am the girl you took all the way to the front so that you coul dget me an autograph. i hope you go to number 1!

Sunil said...

Throw a west coast party when you go to #1 Tina...when are you coming out here?

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Gilded Singing Sarah said...

your masala makes me scream! i love what you do.