Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tailgaiting at the Eagles vs. Cowboys game.

OK. So for those of you football fans that are not into Philly and are getting all huffy and puffy about how much you hate the Eagles- hold on! Let me explain! Philly is not the only team I like. See, I simply can not have just one favorite team in any sport. The reason why is that in my career, I pack a suitcase and live in a certain part of the country for months at a time, which means I get to attend whatever NBA/NFL games I get invited to. (This blog has me singing "rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond, call me what you will"....name that song-10 points!)

Still not convinced about my choice of sports conduct? Ok, here's a great example:

One of my primary homes is Cali. Now imagine tiny little me, living with my suitcase recording in a music studio in Philly for a few months for work. I decide to attend an Eagles game and represent one of my primary homes by showing up with a Raiders jersey on. Basically, my career would come to an end that day after some McNabb-worshipping, over-eating, beer-guzzling, hotdog-eating-contest-winning, 400 lb Eagles fanatic picks my tiny little body up and throws me accross the entire length of the stadium.

Point being, when in Rome...

(Actually, I do have couple teams that I am crazy about, but I'm not telling you who, 'cause why make enemies....)

Now for those of you wondering how I even got the tix? Well,when you're a celebrity like me, you can just have "your people" call "their people" and the next thing you know, you're magically at the best football game of the season and McNabb and Westbrook are calling you personally to thank you for hiking up their ratings and filling up their stadium with people. (Obviously, it would not have been half as full before the masses heard of my plans to attend.) That's my life!

For those of you that actually bought that story-it's the truth!!!

For those that didn't, I basically have relatives in Philly that have season tickets and were nice enough to allow me to tag along since they know I really don't get out much...

Anyway, that game was historical...simply incredible...the stars did align that night. (The best part about it for me is that I was with my dad.)

GOOOO all my favorite secret teams!!!

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