Friday, January 2, 2009

Yes-I'm a huge dork.

Hey guys! I hope you all had an absolutely beautiful holiday season. There really is so much beauty in this world, and I hope you all took the time to appreciate that, because not matter how horrible life gets, there is undoubtedly always something to be grateful for. It's all about the attitude!

As some of you already know, I lost my mom last month. She will always be the most beautiful, vibrant, selfless, glowing human being I will ever know, so X-mas was pretty tough this year without her. X-mas is usually filled with her dancing, singing, being silly, laughing, and making everyone around her feel incredible! I seriously could go on about Ma forever...

AAAnyway, so for those of you that know me, I really do not take myself that seriously. Yes, I do enjoy getting all glamorous for events but I also really enjoy being a complete and absolute dork. So I figured that while my record company and management do an awesome job of displaying pics of the glamorous "TablaGirl", I would show you the side that you really, well, should not see. (Hopefully, my record company and management are so tired of me that they don't actually read my blogs...I guess we'll see!)

So, this is the pic that I would say best represents my holiday season. While I truly love my current career as an artist, I could probably be more successful if I joined dessert-eating contests for the rest of my life. Sad-but true.

Yes, I know what you're all thinking..."what a hottie."

I can not thank you all enough for the love you gave me during this tragic time in my life. I wish you all an AMAZING 2009!

1 comment:

Sunil said...

that's the biggest slice of cake I've ever seen. I didnt know they came that big..nice job tina.